The silent liver disease experts warn is on the rise among Hispanics and children

hispanic alcohol

We found that Hispanic adolescents’ perceptions that they were discriminated against put them at greater risk for substance use, and that Hispanic orientation protected the youth from substance use. The findings can inform the development of culturally relevant prevention interventions for Hispanic adolescents and emerging adults. The fields of developmental psychology and epidemiology indicate that emerging adulthood (ages 18–25 years) is a period in which people tend to drink most heavily in comparison to adolescents and older adults (Sussman & Arnett, 2014; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2018). For instance, in the United States (U.S.), emerging adults report the highest prevalence of all age groups in terms of current alcohol use (56.3%), binge drinking (36.9%), heavy drinking (9.6%), and alcohol use disorder (10.7%; SAMHSA, 2018). Compared to other racial/ethnic groups, Hispanic (inclusive of Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx) emerging adults had the second-highest prevalence of current alcohol use (50.1%), binge drinking (32.9%), and heavy drinking (8.0%), and the third-highest prevalence of alcohol use disorder (10.7%; SAMHSA, 2018).

Latino Americans And Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Several theoretical models are relevant to substance use among Hispanic adolescents, each of which brings a unique perspective to understanding this phenomenon. Social ecological models (Bronfenbrenner, 1996) posit that risk and protective factors exist within, and interact across, multiple systems surrounding the individual, ranging from the micro systems of family and peers to the macro systems of the larger cultural, economic, and political context. Ecodevelopmental theory (Szapocznik et al., 2007) builds on this notion by specifying the social contexts (e.g., family, school, neighborhood) that surround adolescents and influence their development and behavior. Because developing identity is a central task of adolescent development, and ethnic identity development is a salient issue for immigrants and minorities, theories of identity are also relevant.

hispanic alcohol

Phoenix police quick to use force and use force when it’s not needed

And Black, Hispanic and Native American people are disproportionately charged with pedestrian traffic violations and loitering, the Justice Department found. The president of the Phoenix Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 2, Lou Manganiello, called it “full of half-truths, unsubstantiated accusations, and haphazard, illogical conclusions.” According to the Justice Department, officers should, when possible, call for assistance from behavioral health responders and wait for them to arrive. Phoenix police “seldom make reasonable modifications to their approach” when appropriate, the report said. Clarke said 911 call takers often “fail to pass on critical information that could help officers respond appropriately.” Phoenix police routinely violated the constitutional rights of people experiencing homelessness by unlawfully arresting them and seizing and destroying their belongings, the Justice Department found.

Alcohol consumption

“A one-year increase in alcohol consumption in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic is estimated to cause 8,000 additional deaths from alcohol-related liver disease, 18,700 cases of liver failure, and 1,000 cases of liver cancer by 2040,” according to a press release from the Massachusetts General Hospital. During the course of the Justice Department’s investigation, Clarke said, the city and its police department took steps to institute reform. For example, Michael Sullivan, the interim police chief, revised the department’s use of force policy and introduced new training on de-escalation tactics and an officer’s duty to intervene. And the city has invested in additional shelters and resources for it homeless population, she said.

hispanic alcohol

Cultural values

American Addiction Centers (AAC) is committed to delivering original, truthful, accurate, unbiased, and medically current information. She stopped short of saying the department would be put under a consent decree, which typically is used to create and enforce changes meth addiction: symptoms getting help detox treatment and more within a local or state governmental agency when evidence of misconduct is found. Data shows that Phoenix cites and arrests Black people for marijuana possession at nearly seven times the rate of white people and Hispanic people more than three times the rate.

This update will bring the data together in an interactive way and enable a more comprehensive, in-depth view of overdose risk and substance use services at the community level to inform decision-making on policy and interventions. The decline in opioid-related overdose deaths last year was significant among white non-Hispanic men, whose overdose death rate declined 16 percent between 2022 and 2023, from 48.2 to 40.4 per 100,000 people. The data also show Black non-Hispanic residents continue salt loading for bromine detox why iodine can change the world to be disproportionately impacted by fatal opioid overdoses. Among Black non-Hispanic men, the rate of opioid-related overdose deaths increased from 80 per 100,000 in 2022 to 84.6 in 2023. American Indian non-Hispanics, along with Black non-Hispanic men and women, had the highest opioid-related overdose death rates last year among all racial/ethnic groups. It is currently the most common liver disease in children in the U.S., affecting an estimated 8 million children and adolescents.

Our recent analyses of HABLAS data on alcohol-related problems show that Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, and D/SC Americans are 2–3 times more likely than Cuban Americans to report two or more alcohol-related problems (Vaeth, Caetano, Ramisetty-Mikler, & Rodriguez, 2009). Cuban Americans are less likely to report substance use disorders the effects of adderall on your body than Puerto Ricans (Alegria, Mulvaney-Day, Torres, Polo, Cao, & Canino, 2007). Although the total drinking volume and the pattern of alcohol consumption are mainly responsible for individuals’ variation in their response to alcohol, social and cultural responses to drinking also play an important role in the origin of problems.

For instance, research from 2015 indicates that Mexican Americans reported higher rates of alcohol use disorder, whereas Puerto Ricans were more likely to report illegal drug use. Still, the scientists acknowledged that their study had limitations and more research is needed. The NIAAA reported that in 2019, 825,000 young people reported binge drinking on 5 or more days over the past month.

  1. To transform treatment outcomes for the Latinx community, approaching care with a sociocultural lens may help.
  2. Meanwhile, the Justice Department found significant racial disparities in the way Phoenix police enforced alcohol use offenses, low-level drug offenses, traffic laws and quality-of-life laws like loitering and trespassing.
  3. Below are three examples of interventions healthcare professionals may consider implementing to reduce barriers to care and improve treatment outcomes for the Latinx community facing SUD.
  4. Other bad practices and health risks brought upon by alcohol include impaired driving, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, and chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and liver disease.
  5. Last year’s opioid-related overdose death rate also decreased by 10 percent to 30.2 per 100,000 people compared to 33.5 in 2022.
  6. They perceive that “real” help (i.e., not AA or religious organizations) will involve clinical intervention.

Lastly, while study participants were all self-identified males, we used a heteronormative lens for data collection and analysis that limited analysis away from consideration of barriers to treatment experienced by queer, bisexual, and trans self-identified Hispanic men. Individual interviews were conducted using a semistructured interview guide (Table 2) formulated to elicit perspectives related to alcohol abuse, masculinity, and treatment seeking behaviors. The interview guide used was based on formative work (Valdez et al., 2018) and a brief review of the available literature to identify potential gaps in work with Hispanic men. A bilingual, bicultural male member of the research team conducted all interviews and administered a voluntary questionnaire. Both the acculturation and machismo/caballerismo scales have been tested for validity and reliability in the study’s target population (Arciniega et al., 2008; Mills et al., 2014). One of our moderation analysis indicated that gender did not moderate the association between acculturation orientations and alcohol use severity.

This group faces a multitude of challenges, many of which have been linked to drinking and alcohol-related health problems. Past research indicates that Hispanics are at risk of alcohol-related problems because of continued, relatively high frequent heavy drinking (Marin & Posner, 1995; Caetano & Clark, 1998a, 1998b; Dawson, 1998). For instance, Mexican Americans have higher rates of drinking and of frequent heavy drinking (Caetano, 1988; Caetano & Galvan, 2001), and a higher mean frequency of drinking five or more drinks on the same occasion (Dawson, 1998) than the other Hispanic groups. Research on alcohol consumption in other Hispanic national groups is sparse and is not based on representative samples of these national groups (e.g., Caetano, 1988; Dawson, 1998; Caetano & Galvan, 2001). However, the existing comparisons of men show that abstention is higher among Puerto Rican men (58 vs. 39%) and rates of frequent drinking are higher among Cuban American men (28 vs. 15%) (Caetano & Galvan, 2001), but in moderate volume similar to the case of non-Hispanic Whites (Black & Markides, 1994).

Increased or redistributed funding for linguistically and culturally responsive programs also is needed in communities with large Hispanic populations in order to meet a growing demand, particularly for the uninsured. Further research is needed to identify alternative potential barriers and recovery resources for this population and other Hispanic subgroups in distinct parts of the United States. Together, these theoretical models contain numerous constructs, many of which overlap conceptually.

hispanic alcohol

Little is known, however, about how aforementioned individual and sociocultural factors interact with an individual’s social context (i.e., neighborhood disadvantage, differential access to care, economic resources) to influence treatment seeking behaviors among Hispanic males. Understanding barriers to prevention and treatment service utilization by Hispanic men may be hampered by the lack of an approach that embraces the dynamic relationship between external influence and internal responses. Consequently, this work used the Socio-ecological Model (Sallis, Owen, & Fisher, 2015) as a heuristic framework to organize and understand barriers to treatment present at different levels of influence; structural, sociocultural, and individual. We used this framework to examine Hispanic male perspectives regarding alcohol abuse treatment-seeking behaviors and the structural, sociocultural, and individual factors that may influence initiation and continued engagement in treatment in this population.

Although this is acceptable for survey research with general population, it is possible that nonrespondents are different from respondents regarding their level of alcohol consumption. First, our study findings indicate that the US Hispanic population is not homogeneous concerning alcohol consumption. Puerto Rican and Mexican American men are more likely to consume a higher number of drinks on average and also engage in more binge drinking compared with their Cuban or D/SC American counterparts. For some context, we briefly describe some characteristics of Maricopa County, Arizona, and Miami-Dade County, Florida which are the two communities of settlement included in the present study. In Maricopa County, approximately 31% of the population is Hispanic, 8.5% of the population is composed of immigrants from Latin America, 20% of adults report speaking Spanish at home, and 88.7% of Hispanics are of Mexican heritage (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017a, 2017b). Maricopa County has been described as a community where Hispanics often experience ethnic discrimination, hostility, and civil violations because of their real or perceived immigration status (American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, 2019).

Starting before dawn, Phoenix police routinely woke up individuals sleeping on public property, ran their names for warrants, detained them to ask questions and told them to move. Often, unhoused individuals were stopped for investigative purposes when Phoenix police did not have reasonable suspicion of a crime — violating the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Those stops were initiated based on “indications” that the individuals were homeless, the department found.

Statistically significant differences were found for past month marijuana use (6.5 vs. 6.9 percent) and nonmedical use of prescription-type drugs (2.9 vs. 3.3 percent). The rate of past month alcohol use among Hispanic adolescents was similar to the national average for adolescents. Learn up-to-date facts and statistics on alcohol consumption and its impact in the United States and globally.

Among Hispanic adolescents, marijuana use increased from 6.1 percent in 2008 to 8.1 percent in 2009, and remained steady at 8.0 percent in 2010; nonmedical use of prescription-type drugs6 increased from 2.2 percent in 2008 to 3.3 percent in 2009, and remained steady at 3.4 percent in 2010 (Figure 1). The information contained on this website is not intended to be a substitute for, or to be relied upon as, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Discover the impact alcohol has on children living with a parent or caregiver with alcohol use disorder.

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Intuit Quickbooks And Square 2020

It also includes unlimited customer support, which is not available on the Pro and Premier packages without an upgrade. However, if you own a small business, you should take a look at QuickBooks’ other plans. Make sure the Statement Date is correct since QuickBooks will use this to calculate aging. Then you Intuit Quickbooks And Square 2020 can either enter a specific Statement Period or request All open transactions as of Statement Date. If you choose the latter, you’ll most likely want to limit the statements to customers whose payments are overdue. So, you’d click in the box in front of Include only transactions over days past the due date.

Intuit Quickbooks And Square 2020

Doing so might not be a good choice for a seasonal business or one that’s looking to keep operating expenses to an absolute minimum. QuickBooks integrates with over 600 popular third-party apps. They divide their categories into quotes, funds, payments, customers, human resources, projects, analytics, taxes, payments, payroll, invoices, data syncing, expenses, inventory, and time. With its robust list, it’s a good bet that you will find the apps that you need to integrate with QuickBooks. They post a full list of third-party apps on their app store page. QuickBooks Online’s 5 plans offer users a generous range of options to suit budget and business needs.

QuickBooks offers printable checks designed exclusively for QuickBooks. Users can keep their check records in one place, and QuickBooks will automatically fill in your checks for you. There are a variety of check styles that are customizable and feature QuickBooks’ exclusive security coating to keep them safe from tampering.

How does the QuickBooks Payments solution work?

It’s advanced solutions and broad feature-set makes it a great fit for most businesses. “One of the biggest frustrations for consumers is the lack of certainty around whether you’re qualified for a product,” says Ken Lin, the CEO and founder of Credit Karma. While Credit Karma could predict someone’s eligibility for a personal loan using credit reports, credit worthiness is only 60% to 80% of the final approval decision. Other factors, like customers’ ability to repay the loan, are harder to estimate without more visibility into their personal finances—such as tax returns.

Is QuickBooks Desktop being phased out 2022?

Your access to QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Services, Live Support, Online Backup, Online Banking, and other services through QuickBooks Desktop 2019 software will be discontinued after May 31, 2022. This also means you won't receive critical security updates starting June 1, 2022.

In other words, it’s usually not possible to bring in a third-party product or service and integrate it with your Square or QuickBooks account. Likewise, both companies generally offer proprietary products that can’t be used with other providers.

Connect to Square app

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. QBDT and QBO are further broken up into different editions depending on your needs and preferences. Each edition offers additional features and functionality the higher a tier you choose, though at an increased cost. However, why does the invoice and the payment post it looks like its doubling my revenue.

Intuit Inc. is an American business software company that specializes in financial software. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, California, and the CEO is Sasan Goodarzi.

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These features include tracking profitability by product or by project and client, billing clients by job phase, and running industry-specific reports. QuickBooks Advanced plan is the most comprehensive plan offered by QuickBooks and includes many new features, such as online backup and restore and automated workflows. The Advanced plan is best suited for growing or expanding businesses as it gives users access to business analytics and insights, a dedicated account manager, and on-demand online training.

Intuit Quickbooks And Square 2020

Both also offer instant deposits of funds from your payments account, which can be very useful for cash flow purposes. While this feature list is pretty basic, it’s more than adequate to meet the needs of many small business owners. Remember also that QuickBooks Payments doesn’t require a monthly fee, although you will need a paid QuickBooks subscription to use it. Expanded capabilities are available, but they can be pretty expensive. For example, the QuickBooks Point of Sale software package starts at $1,200 for the basic version. QuickBooks Payroll is somewhat more reasonable, starting at $45/month + $5/month per employee.

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We’ll continue to update our status page with more information.

Intuit Quickbooks And Square 2020

Both Square and QuickBooks aim to provide every product and service your business will need. However, QuickBooks relies primarily on third-party providers, while Square focuses mainly on proprietary in-house services and features. Both companies provide basic credit card processing services and a range of hardware options for accepting payments. Offer online invoicing with payment through credit cards, debit cards, and ACH bank transfer right in your online invoice.

Square vs. QuickBooks Payments: Which Is Best For Your Small Businesses?

Because both companies market primarily to small business owners, these services are somewhat rudimentary. While they should be fine for managing a small company with relatively few employees, they might be inadequate for a large company with many employees and more specialized needs.

Can I transfer QuickBooks to a new computer?

From QuickBooks, go to the File menu, select Utilities, and then select Move QuickBooks to another computer. Select I'm Ready, then create a one-time password. Follow the instructions to choose the USB flash drive you'll use. Then wait for the files to be copied.

On this page, you will also find a security blog, tips, and alerts. You certainly want to have received all the money owed to you by December 31 if at all possible.

That means you’re far less likely to have your account suddenly frozen or shut down than you are with a payment service provider such as Square. Connect QuickBooks to bank accounts, credit cards, PayPal, Square, and more to import expenses. Take photos of receipts, automatically categorize expenses for taxes, and manage cash flow. Their Simple Start package excludes features like invoice scheduling, project profitability tracking, and inventory tracking. While the Desktop Pro package offers a few more perks than Plus, as well as several discounts, the range of features is limited and customers have reported difficulties in moving from desktop to online.

  • If importance cannot be established, the section is likely to be moved to another article, pseudo-redirected, or removed.
  • You can easily change or update the details with the following method.
  • Intuit has introduced a new innovative, inexpensive card reader targeting small businesses.
  • Because QuickBooks Online is cloud-based, it is a great option for those who need QuickBooks access while not in the office.

Once the sync is complete, open it again to review the settings. Make sure that QuickBooks is open with the right company file. The system should have Windows 7,8,10 in order to install commerce sync. You cannot pay a QuickBooks invoice with the help of Square. You cannot import details of the buyer like name or email id. While going through the data, it will be displayed as a “Square Customer”.

One-time vs. monthly purchases

Erica’s insights into personal and business finance have been cited in numerous publications, including MSN, Real Simple, and Reader’s Digest. Next, set up the mapping of the file column related to the QuickBooks field. Dancing Numbers template file does this automatically; you just need to download the Dancing Number Template file. To use the service, you have to open both the software QuickBooks and Dancing Numbers on your system.

Benefits like health, dental and vision insurance and more can all be selected and then administered to employees. The platform can also support workers compensation insurance, 401 and retirement savings, pre-tax benefits, like commuter benefits and more. You choose the benefits plan, invite your team to sign up and Square Payroll will handle the deductions as necessary. Square Payroll will also handle a ton for you in the way of payroll taxes and tax filing.

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These rates are very similar to what Square charges, although the hefty $0.25 per transaction authorization fee will make QuickBooks Payments more expensive if you process a lot of small-ticket transactions. You can choose between the standard, pay-as-you-go plan ($0.00 per month) or the $20/month subscription plan, which offers slightly lower processing rates than those listed above. The app is a one-way integration that imports your sales transactions from Square into QuickBooks Online daily. Once activated, the app monitors your Square account for all transactions, including sales, refunds, taxes, tips, and discounts. QuickBooks offers POS solutions for small retail businesses, home improvement stores, furniture and furnishing stores, sporting goods and bicycle stores, and apparel and accessory stores.

  • Jiang outlined plans on launching an online SMB lending and banking service next year called Square Financial Services if the conditional charter remains in place.
  • The similarities between QuickBooks vs. Square are more numerous than the differences that set both companies apart from each other.
  • You certainly want to have received all the money owed to you by December 31 if at all possible.
  • To learn more about the new connection to the square app you can follow thislink.
  • So, run a report to see which customers have outstanding, overdue balances.
  • As of May 2018, Intuit had more than US$5 billion in annual revenue and a market capitalization of about US$50 billion.

Finally, you can get real-time access to your Square balance by signing up for the free Square Mastercard®. But the big difference that should be noted is that while Square can also accept cash payments, QuickBooks can’t. If you run an online store or are just looking to accept invoice payments from clients, this will be a non-issue. Intuit’s Card Reader competes head-on with Square’s family of card readers connected to its merchant ecosystem. Square continues to grow its merchant gross payment volume, ramping almost 40% over Q to $18.1 billion. Square’s POS system), it will likely be a clear choice which platform is better suited for your business.

Process Steps to Import Sales Transactions from Square POS to QuickBooks Desktop

In the fourth quarter, ended December 31, 2020, SQ’s revenue surged 141% year-over-year to $3.16 billion on the back of Bitcoin transactions over its Cash App ecosystem. SQ continued to focus on the impressive growth delivered by its Cash App ecosystem, which generated gross profits of $377 million, up 162% year-over-year. Its gross payment volume rose 92% year-over-year to $32 million, with nearly 61% coming from larger sellers with volumes of at least $125,000 annually. However, its EPS came in at $0.59, declining 29% compared to its year-ago value of $0.83. If you’re using QuickBooks Payroll Core integrated with QuickBooks Online, you’ll have access to many more reports, some of which intersect with payroll. QuickBooks Payroll warns you about possible problems before you submit the payroll.